It is very rare as human beings that we congratulate ourselves on our successes. It is much more common/natural to put ourselves down and focus on the negative.
Success isn't always the end result - it's the blood, sweat and tears that you endured to get there. So just because we're nearing the end of 2015 and you may not have accomplished your end goal just yet, remind yourself of how far you have come. To get to the end you need a start and a middle and wherever you currently are be proud of yourself for getting to that point.
Stop focusing on what you haven't achieved and highlight the positives! Are you stronger? Fitter? Healthier? Happier? You might not have lost the weight you wanted to lose but is your diet more nutritious? Are you now working out more often? You might not have ran the 10K but at least you completed it!
Whatever your goals were this year you still have time to get a bit closer to them and even if you don't it's nearly a new year anyway!
Smile at your successes - no matter how small they seem to you, every success is a step in the right direction and if something is standing in the way of your success then go on and shove it outta the way :)
If you need help getting closer to achieving your goals whether they are fitness or nutrition related or just need some extra support then get in touch and let's take on 2016 together!