Happy Monday :)


Maybe this day is not

One of your favourites, but

Never forget that every

Day you wake up is an

Amazing gift and it's up to

You to make it count


Your job may suck, you may hate waking up early, your commute may be stressful and you may spend the whole day wondering why Monday's even exist as they seem to bring no meaning and no satisfaction to your life. 

Monday's are and most likely always will be the majority of the populations least favourite day of the week but it doesn't have to be yours! If you think about how many Mondays you are going to have in your life time that is an awful lot of days spent being unhappy and unmotivated - and now there is a new day of the week 'Smonday'. This begins on a Sunday and grows as Monday approaches due to the anxiety you feel of starting a new working week. 

Let's face it, Monday's are never going to change - but you can!

Forget the papers piled up on your desk, the chores at home that still need to be done, the grocery shopping and meal prepping etc Monday's are full of possibilities! They bring new energy and new positivity to the week ahead, they are the perfect day for starting afresh after an indulgent weekend, the perfect day for beginning new goals and starting new healthy habits. 

Of course you can spend the day wishing it was already Friday, hating the people around you who seem to be happy and wondering what they did to deserve a positive attitude on a Monday but in reality it only takes a quick decision on your part to decide whether you're going to make your Monday a day of misery and self-hate or a day of optimism and new discoveries. 

Change your Monday morning mantra from 'ssshhhhiiii*****'

to this...

'Nothing is holding me back, I know what I want and I'm going to get it' :)


Happy Monday Everyone!!! xxx


3 Top Tips to stay in 'Tip Top' shape this Winter!

Winter is here and with it getting colder and darker outside it can become difficult to keep up our usual fitness regimes. Still, there is no excuse to turn into a seasonal sloth and hibernate under a warm blanket till Spring - keep the winter blues at bay by using my three top tips to keep you in tip top shape… 

1. Stay motivated - easier said than done? Remind yourself of your goal or set yourself a new one for the festive period. This can be as simple as looking good for a xmas party or getting fit for a skiing holiday or working on that bikini bod for those lucky enough to get somewhere warm. Remind yourself how far you've come - you don't want to start right back at the beginning come January!

2. FitFam - what began as a hashtag now means so much more - find a friend who is reliable and who'll drag you out of bed the morning after a xmas party, push you through the wind and rain and who'll enjoy a bowl of well-earned chocolate proats afterwards :p You''ll be much more likely to stick to a fitness regime as you won't want to let them down.

3. Preparation - lay out your workout clothes the night before, buy yourself some thermals and pre-book classes so you're less likely to cancel. Make things easier for yourself by organising in advance and deciding when you can fit your workouts into your schedule so you don't have to miss out on any festivities. 

And most importantly be positive! It's a lifetime achievement if you can keep pushing yourself and challenging your body and mind. So don't let the chilly temperatures hold you back - remember where you started and keep working on where you want to be!