Dr Christian Will See ME Now!! Part 1

In the run up to the launch of his new tv show 'Dr Christian Will See You Now' on W Channel, I was given the pleasure of interviewing Dr Christian. We covered a range of topics relating to the show itself but also a few more personal questions about his views on health and wellness. 

For someone who has not just been known for Embarrassing Bodies but also for his own (rather buff) body, it was interesting to learn more about his own ethos behind living a healthy lifestyle. 

What's your approach to taking vitamins and supplements as part of a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle?

I don't think there's any need for it.

There's emerging evidence that these sort of high dose vitamins that people are taking can actually be quite damaging. We've seen increases in prostrate and lung cancer and people that are taking vitamin E in high doses. There's all sorts of evidence that this antioxidant fad in pill supplement form is probably increasing cancer risk. We kid ourselves into thinking that our morning vitamin pill cancels out all the crap of the day, for example your salad cancels out your chips. We all do that to a degree.

30 minutes on the treadmill doesn't atone for a night on the chardonnay! We're not short of food or nutrition so why do we need to take supplements? It's clever marketing. 

What is your opinion on training supplements such as protein powders, BCAAs?

Completely unnecessary.

None of us are protein deficient in any way. Our diets are excessive in protein in the West. A picture of some ripped abs on a bottle doesn't mean we're going to look like that if we take it. 

It's only really Olympian level athletes who could possibly have those sorts of energy requirements. Other than that, it's £40 for a tub of protein which is great marketing but not good for your pocket.

The one thing that we may need to supplement is conversation - which is free! One thing we're trying to encourage on the show is talking and communicating - what we need is a tub of communication pills!

Top tips to de-stress?

Do things you enjoy more and don't feel guilty about doing it.

Our down-time needs to be relished and enjoyed. So many people feel guilty about taking holidays and theres 101 examples I could give but I think relish that which you enjoy and don't feel bad about doing it. And give yourself time to do it.

You are as important as your work, your boss, your kids, everything. There's nothing selfish or egotistical or wrong about putting yourself first at all. Put other people first too but also put yourself first.

Saying that, it's no good listening to your favourite music if you're also feeling guilty about it cause it's not having the same effect. It's also no good listening to your favourite music while sitting doing your emails. Learning how to switch off and clear your head of all that nonsense is very important and all of us could do better at it. All of us feel a bit bottom-clenchingly awkward about it but it's a very valuable thing to do. 

Think of that which you enjoy, do it and feel good about doing it!

How do you stay in shape?

Laughing - I obviously watch what I eat (while munching on his 3rd biscuit!). I go to the gym. You need to work out what works for you and so often we look at someone we admire, usually some celebrity or Kard-ashy type person and we think that what they do is also going to work for us but it doesn't necessarily. And if it doesn't work for us we feel there's something wrong with us or we're not as good. And this sets up this cycle of negativity and I think you just need to have the confidence to work out what's good for you. 

So for me, cardio does not work - I find it boring, I don't enjoy it. I prefer weights and I know that weights do what I want them to do. But I think having the confidence to know that is important. When I tweet, "I don't do any cardio at all" there's a twitter melt down! It's like I've said the most offensive thing, it's quite bazaar! So I use weights, I enjoy that and I vaguely have an eye on what I eat and how much I'm eating but it's not an obsessive calorie counting thing. I suppose it's because I've always eaten well and it's quite natural. 

The extension for other people is to subtly work it out - if you've been slogging away on a running machine for 6 months and not getting anywhere why not have a look at some other things? We're very good at doing something just because we've read it in Men's Health and yet, if it's not doing anything for you then why are you still doing it? 

What will we find on your workout playlist?

The Wombats. Joking. 

What is your guilty pleasure with food?

I don't have a guilty pleasure because I don't feel guilty.

I don't think one should feel guilty and that's one of the big problems. Guilt is a terrible thing with food because why are you guilty? You like it and is that a bad thing? No. I think people who deny themselves the things they really like, let's say chocolate cake - saying "right I'm never eating chocolate cake cause it's clearly bad" is going to set up guilt and then you're going to crave chocolate cake because that's all you're thinking about.

It's just a horrible, negative thing so it's better not to feel guilty! 

So, does that mean you'll be having pancakes today? (It's Shrove Tuesday.)

Shit! Why haven't we had pancakes? I hope so!

Telling Dr Christian about my ailments! 


Tune in to Dr Christian Will See You Now on Wednesday, 22nd March at 9pm on W Channel. 

Fitness, Food & Fashion Faves



My first experience of this studio was at an event doing the Reshape class. It was basically everything I usually hate meshed together in a 45 minute weirdly enjoyable sweat fest; treadmill sprints, lots of people, dark and little to no individual attention. 

Let me be honest with you, I don't sprint voluntarily. I save that kind of torture for my bootcampers and PT clients so unless a zombie on amphetamines is chasing me through a burning forest…you get the picture. However, during this class the instructor guides you through speed changes and inclines and just when you think you're legs might go out from under you, you change to a strength and conditioning section using weights, benches and bodyweight. 

Usually if I go to class it's because I want to be kicked up the arse. It's easy to stop when the going gets tough if you're training by yourself but in a class environment you're motivated by the people around you and a little bit of friendly competition can be the difference between burning 400 calories to burning 500 calories! The fact that the class was bigger than I usually like made me feel less pressurised and the occasional "whoop" from girls around the room kept it fun as well as physically demanding. 

The lack of light could be hazardous if you're a clumsy wotsit like myself but on the plus side, the fact that you can't see your red, sweat-soaked face in the mirror means you don't have to be conscious of the fact that you look like a baboons bottom. 

The only downside for me was the lack of individual attention as I know I could have worked harder if the instructor had come and said "one more!" or "get lower!" or "wtf is that?" (yes I like to be mentally abused during a workout). 

All in all though I loved the combination of sprint intervals, renegade rows and squat jumps and I got such an endorphin rush. It just goes to show that doing a little of what you don't like can be really good for you!



If you read my last blog you'll know that I had been contemplating the idea of going vegan but had no real intention of starting anytime soon. Writing that blog post though actually gave me the kick start I needed - especially as I was contacted by a few of you with helpful advice and great reading suggestions. And so for the last three weeks I have been eating more mindfully and most days eating a majority of plant-based meals. 

It's going to take a lot more time and research before I'm ready to go full on vegan but for the time being I'm enjoying exploring different foods and experimenting with meat free recipes. 

Here are a couple of  links to recipes I found online which I particularly enjoyed!

Cookie & Kate - Sweet Potato & Black Bean Vegan Burgers


Hummusapien - Vegan Lasagne 


Follow me on Snapchat to see what I'm eating daily and get more recipe inspiration and please comment below and/or leave links for recipes or interesting reads that you recommend!

Snapchat - chelseasiegelpt


Lorna Jane

I made the most of the January sales and kitted myself out with a head to ankle outfit from Lorna Jane. The item that I was most excited about was the sports bra as I'd heard from so many bloggers that they were the most flattering and supportive booby holders in the 'athleisure' world right now. 

Let's just say I'm shamelessly taking full responsibility for the fact that a male in the gym walked into a smith machine while being unfairly distracted. 

Wearing nice clothes while you workout isn't a necessity and hopefully your goals aren't just based around aesthetics - however, I'd be lying if I said I train better in my comfy faded trackies with the not too discreet hole in the crotch than I do when I'm wearing a pair of booty hugging, sweat-proof leggings that magically enhance your derrière.

You don't have to spend a fortune to feel good in the gym and I can tell ya that a staple sports bra and leggings will help you feel extra confident while you're working out. Lorna Jane have an ever changing range of activewear as well so you can always feel on trend. 

We all have days when we're less motivated and if it takes the magic of a gorgeous new sports bra to get the job done then why not? No judgement from over here!


Should I Go Vegan?

As usual I'm a little bit late getting on the band wagon but as with most things I preach - it's never too late to get started! 

So, am I going vegan? As of this moment…no. 

If you are a trainer you will understand the frustration of taking on a client who sets out with good intentions but has not really made the commitment. We use the '5 Stages of Change' to determine where someone is when going through lifestyle changes. 

1. Pre-contemplation - Also referred to as the "denial" stage.

2. Contemplation - Dipping your toe in but hesitant… 

3. Preparation - You've made your first step in the right direction i.e starting a gym membership or having a consolation with a PT.

4. Action - On the road. 

5. Maintenance - Congrats you've maintained and sustained for a lengthy period of time! 

Why I'm sharing this with you, is because I am still in the 'contemplation' stage. I know what I should do and more importantly what I want to do but in all honesty I'm not ready to make the change. 

It's easy to feel pressurised, especially when something almost feels like a "trend". And if you're only doing it cause it's what the cool kids are doing, you're unlikely to sustain it in the long haul. 

You have to believe in yourself and be ready to make sacrifices - because with anything health and fitness related there are going to be dinners you have to turn down because you're on a plan, or nights out because you booked an early yoga class on Sunday morning and parties because you and "Jack D" can't be trusted after the second or third drink! 

Yes, I've gone off on a tangent. However, the point I'm trying to make is that I don't think going vegan will be an easy journey for me. And I'd be surprised if next week suddenly all my IG posts are strictly plant-based. But I'm throwing it out there that it's something I'm considering for my health but mainly for environmental factors. 

If anybody is doing Vegan-uary or has been vegan for a while then please share your experience, tips, motivation etc as your girl here is needing a helping hand! or two! 


Life Update & Life Lessons

Happy New Year!! (Sorry it's rather belated…)

It has been a good start to the year with clients keen to get going and I'm back to my own training regime and regular eating habits! No more Lindt chocolate balls in my porridge unfortunately :( 

But with any break it never takes long for me to crave exercise and veggies and early nights! I did make it up till midnight on NYE you'll be pleased to know but only just and with the help of a coffee or three ;) 

Again, a little late on the bandwagon with regards to setting my 2017 resolutions but that's basically because I completely forgot and to be honest my fitness goals are still the same - get stronger, fitter, maintain a healthy 'diet', create more balance yadda yadda yadda… 

My 2016 goals were to be able to do pull ups and hold a handstand unassisted...

Pull Ups Progress - I completed my pull up goal early on in the year and have since then gone backwards in terms of progress. 

Handstand Progress - I have ganglion cysts in both hands which is preventing me from putting any weight on my hands so unfortunately I have had to put that goal on hold while I figure out how to get rid of these pesky (painful) buggers. 

Halfway through the year I decided I wanted to grow a bum and while focusing on that my general fitness started to drop. 

For the last month I was desperately trying to gain upper body strength, grow a booty and get to high intensity classes so that I could get it all back and in the meantime started neglecting my yoga practice and so my flexibility got worse. 

Lesson 1) You can have too many goals - Focus on one. Tick it off. Move on to the next.  

Lesson 2) Understand where you went wrong. Acknowledge it didn't happen this time round. Understand why. Learn from it. Kick ass next time. 

Lesson 3) Don't copy someone else's goal - Booty gains. Bonus. Not fitting into any of your jeans? Bad times. 

Aesthetic goals have never been my motivation to workout. Strength, power, endurance and balance are much more appealing to me and so that is what I will be dedicating my energy to in 2017. 

I will also be focusing on smaller things - my Mum gave me the loveliest book where I write 3 moments of joy every day and it's only Day 4 and already acknowledging the smaller pleasures in my life are making me appreciate everything around me so much more. 

Give it a try! 

So long story short, my 'resolutions' for 2017 are to keep looking after my body from the inside out and to stop worrying and take time to smile at all the good things around me. 

Don't underestimate the influence of small things. 





Fave London Fitness Studios


I bought their introductory offer of 3 for £45 and tried two of their Hybrid classes and one Pilates class. They have lots more classes available though and I will definitely be trying them out in the new year! I particularly enjoyed the Hybrid class with Aleksa as it got my heart pumping with AMRAP and then got my abs burning with the MOTR Reformer (which highlighted my terrible balance!). 


Again I started with the intro offer of 2 for £25 which includes a set of wraps. Although a little hesitant when the warm up started with squat thrusts it got me sweating like a mo fo and half dying/half questioning my fitness levels but loving every second. This is a seriously intense workout incorporating boxing with strength and cardio exercises using bands, med balls and more. If you like to feel destroyed after a workout like myself then go check it out!


I teach ballet fit classes and was a professional dancer so I was curious to know what this place was about as I'd heard it was the place to go for barre classes. Unfortunately I had a teacher who moved up country but she was awesome and the structure of the class with great. If someone tells you, you won't get DOMS after a barre class they are either a) lying b) not trying hard enough or c) they're not going to Barrecore! When you think the teacher can't possibly add on any more they go and add on more so the entire class is not just challenging you physically but mentally too! I discovered I have a lot of will power and a high pain threshold :) 

9 Round

This was an unexpected gem of a find! I visited the one in Wandsworth - it is a 30 minute workout with guess what? 9 rounds. With a kickboxing theme the workout includes cardio, strength, coordination and core. This workout shows just how much you can do with just 30 mins of your day dedicated to getting your sweat on! Aaaand they are currently offering a 7 day free trial so what are you waiting for?!

Unsure of trying a new studio or nervous to try a different class? Leave suggestions below and I will be your guinea pig :) More reviews to come! 


Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

This year was amazing (I know it's not over yet) but there was a lot of talk going on and not a lot of getting shit done. 

As trainers we encourage our clients to set goals and we set them for ourselves. And just like you we set ourselves fitness goals, nutrition goals and in my case life goals too. Personal and career. 

Now, I don't like to plan too far into the future but I do like to plan for the year ahead. For example 'This year I want to have achieved 'this' 'this' and 'this'. And 2016 has been a lot of planning but not a lot of doing. I know I'm not alone here! 

For myself, it's much easier setting fitness and nutrition goals because I'm in control of everything. I work for myself and freelance for other companies so every week is different and that's what I love about my job. I need variation in my life!

However, in one week I have stepped out of my comfort zone and started to make shit happen!

a) Booking myself onto a yoga teacher training programme in India next Summer!

b) Organising a health & fitness retreat for April!

If someone asked me what could make me even happier it would be to travel with my work more often and so I am so excited for both of these things to happen and for this to just be the beginning of Chelsea's Retreats. Fitness, Nutrition and Travel TICK!

There are risks everywhere in life and unfortunately a lot of the time it is money related (sad truth) but as this isn't going to change any time soon, that's shouldn't be the reason to duck from opportunities. 

Whether they're presented to you on a silver platter (rarely) or you have to create them from a crayon drawing on a paper plate that catches on fire and all goes to shit (fingers crossed this doesn't happen) then at least you tried! There's always Take 2…and Take 3… 

Basically, like with everything worthwhile in life it might take some effort, it might be scary but put on your big girl/boy pants and just do it. At least you'll never wonder 'what if...?'. 


If you can relate to anything I've said then please share your comments below and for more information about my upcoming retreat on the beautiful Cornish coast then please get in touch by emailing: chelseasiegelpt@outlook.com 






Healthy Comes In All Shapes & Sizes!

Contrary to what is portrayed in magazines and on social media, 'Health' is not measured in six packs or booty gains. 

Just because someone is a certain size doesn't mean they follow a healthy diet or fitness regime and vice versa, someone who may not look like your typical #Fitspo might be able to run a marathon and get her macros in before you've even got your trainers on!

To be 'Healthy' you don't have to work out 7 days a week and live off green smoothies. That's choice - but not advisable. 

What someone looks like on the outside doesn't determine what they look like on the inside or how they feel. We have to be careful how we stereotype 'Healthy Living' because it's not the same for everybody and over-usage of hashtags such as #strongnotskinny is just setting a new idealism which to be honest isn't ideal for everyone. 

There are too many factors that have to be considered before you can define what or who is healthy. However, pursuing perfection is just setting yourself up to fail. 

I can't get enough of social media posts expressing someones self-love for themselves or for someone else! We need to start appreciating our bodies more - what they can do, how we can look after them better, how we can work on our insecurities but highlight our awesomeness!

Anyone who looks down on you for being happy in your skin is a) A green-eyed trivial person  not worth your time b) Insecure and a green-eyed trivial person not worth your time and c) Unhappy and would probably appreciate getting in on some of the bundles of self-love you have on offer :)

Don't judge someone on how many burpees they can do or how well they pull off a lycra all-in-one catsuit (for the record not many can but I'll high 5 any one brave enough to try!). 

Lastly, if you are interested in spending a week full of Sun, Sweat & Self-Love then get in touch for more information about my retreat next May!

Email - chelseasiegelpt@outlook.com




Fat Don't Make You Fat!!

It's as simple as this - Diets high in fat don't make you fat. 

What may make you fat is overeating and being sedentary. While you're wagging your finger at those poor, over abused fats, try taking a look at those sugars and refined grains. 

Fat doesn't = junk food. 

Fat does have more calories per gram than protein and carbohydrates - however, fat is more satiating so while it may contain more calories, you will get full up quicker and are likely to eat less. 

Now let's be clear, I'm not talking about high fat foods such as biscuits and crisps - I'm talking about the good stuff i.e the fats from whole foods. 

Such as: 

Avocados (obviously top of my list)

Nuts (close second)



Dark Chocolate

Fish (fatty)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Chia Seeds (high in protein, even higher in FAT)

Empty calories some argue. Can you really argue that a packet of low fat hobnobs is more nutritionally beneficial than an avocado? 

Remember that when you opt for low-fat options there is nearly always a substitute to make it taste good - and it is usually sugar. 

So go for the full fat yoghurt and opt out of the low fat cheesecake. 

Why do we need fats in our diet?

a) Energy

b) Nerve and brain function

c) Healthy skin

d) Transporting fat-soluble vitamins A,D,E and K 

e) Regulate hormones 

It is not beneficial to cut any macronutrient from your diet. It is important to learn how to eat a balanced diet and eat the right amount of calories for the amount of activity/exercise you do - but that is for another blog...

For advice on nutrition and tips to head in the right direction send emails to chelseasiegelpt@outlook.com


Curb Your Cravings

We all have them and sometimes it's really difficult finding the will power to say no to your cravings. It may just mean thinking about your goal or just practicing a bit of discipline but it is possible!

There are ways to curb those cravings and I'm going to share a few tips that will hopefully help you the next time you're eyeing up that big fat double choc chip muffin ;) 

Tip No.1  - When you're on the brink, DRINK!!

Lot's of the time we mistake thirst for hunger and so result in eating more than you need to and end up dehydrated. So guzzle down a glass of water and see how you feel after a few minutes.

Tip No.2 - Up your PROTEIN!!

Ok, trainers and fitness pro's aside, the majority of us don't eat enough protein and by upping your intake of protein you can feel satisfied for longer. Aim to get some form of protein in all your meals. 

Tip No.3 - WALK it off!!

Keeping yourself busy will reduce boredom eating. So go for a walk to distract your thoughts. Read a book. Go to the gym!

Tip No.4 - Plan AHEAD!!

Meal prep. Keep your cupboard, handbag, office desk filled with healthy snacks. This way you don't have to always go to the shops whenever you're hungry. If you don't have to walk past the ice cream aisle you'll be less tempted to give in to that 20oz tup caramel chew chew :p 

Tip No.5 - Are you being piggy or are you actually HUNGRY?!!

Cravings are one thing, being hungry is another (as my family know only too well!). Avoid long periods without eating and again, have healthy snacks to hand. Once those hunger pangs kick in it won't matter how shiny your apple is cause that golden Lindt bar is gonna shine even brighter...

Tip No.6 - SLEEP (It's a time machine to breakfast)!!

For me, the biggest trigger to giving in to my cravings is tiredness - which is tricky with my job because the recommended 8 hours sleep a night had to go out the window when I decided to become a PT!

If you are struggling to keep your cravings at bay, it may be helpful to make a note about how you're feeling physically and mentally at the time.

And as always if you feel you need a helpful nudge getting started or staying on track then email me for advice to chelseasiegelpt@outlook.com


Fashionably Fit

Let's have a quick reality check, time is limited - especially if you live in London! Fitting in workouts and classes around work and life is pretty tiring and sometimes near impossible. It means sacrificing time with friends, getting home late or at this time of year leaving home when the moon is so bright it feels wrong to be drinking coffee so late… 

Reality check number 2 is that what you're wearing on the treadmill has become as important as what Kendall Jenner is wearing on the catwalk!

Let's face it, boutiques are not just places you go to buy clothes anymore. Fitness "studios" are resembling upmarket b&b's but with better toiletries and ghd's! It is easy to feel out of place if you thought working out meant wearing an old tee and your bf's sweats. 

I, for one will hold my hands up and say majority of the time I will choose comfort over style but who's to say you can't have both?

Active In Style have helped me out here with some of their recommendations for staple items they insist you should have in your Autumn workout wardrobe! 

Until its winter coat go-time, layering up with lighter pieces under a mac or leather jacket is the way forward. A cropped sweater is the perfect answer. A style like this works perfectly with a higher-waist legging with a statement waistband. We can't get enough of the Bjorn Borg Paulina Longsleeved Crewneck sweater. It comes in black or grey. 



Think burgundy, royal blues and hints of khaki this winter. Whether you find it in a panel on your legging or subtle print, a warmer colour is always welcomed when the seasons change. The Nimble Activewear Khaki Leopard print is a standout style for us and the Lauren 7/8 Legging is a must for a stylishly understated piece. 



We can't get enough of the ULTRA BOOST by adidas. It is by far one of our favourite sneaker styles and works perfectly for any type of workout, or even with a cool pair of leggings for running errands throughout the day. 



Every active girl needs her perfect carry all, and Under Armour has delivered the goods in the gym bag department. The Works Tote is every inch stylish and practical; what more could a girl want? 



A faux leather look is always on trend and with baseball caps and snapbacks on the rise, we can't look past the perfect athleisure accessory to complete all looks. 

All Photos Curtesy of Active In Style

As you can see - going from sport to street has never been so easy! Which means you no longer have to choose between going to Barry's or brunch - now it's Barry's and Brunch!

We are living in an age where it's never been as acceptable as it is now to wear activewear as daily apparel and sprinting for the bus has never been easier ;) 





Stop Self-Hate, Self Love!

It's the easiest thing to criticise yourself if you're not getting results fast enough. You see others around you rocking just a sports bra and teeny tiny shorts (are they even shorts though?) with mega confidence and it makes you want to dive for the McVities even faster and then hate yourself when all that's left is a pile of crumbs on the sofa where you've been hating some more in front of the tv watching Devious Maids (ok that show is my guilty pleasure)!

It's a vicious circle and the only person who can nip it in the bud is yourself! Not all of us are blessed with heaps of will power and self-discipline so all you can do it try, do your best and when you cock up it's not the end of the world!

We are lucky to be in an age where peoples mentality about what classifies as 'healthy' and 'fit' is changing - it's not about being the skinniest bitch at the barre of the beefiest badass in the gym. We are celebrating peoples ability, mobility, strength, physical and mental endurance, mental well-being! Yes - part of being 'healthy' and 'fit' is exercising your mind. 

I read an interview with Hannah Rose Fit for Fashercise and she admitted that she loves her body! Zut alors a woman who is happy in her own skin! Stop sweatin' the small stuff - so what if you have a bit of cellulite on your bum, so does nearly everyone and for the small portion of people who don't? Who cares - lucky them and their perfect bottoms. Can they run as far as you, can they push as hard as you, are they smiling as wide as you? 

It is ok to have areas of your body which you prefer to others, it is ok to admire other peoples bodies too. Just stop comparing because you can never be that person and why would you want to be anyway? You are faaabulous! As long as you know it, those midriff baring, knicker err shorts wearing 'fitspos' will be wondering what you had in your coffee - and you can tell em full fat, chocolate sprinkled, hazelnut syruped latte of happiness with a side of soul, sweetness and contentment (a.k.a salted caramel muffin…). 

Peace Out xxx

Holiday Fit Tips/An Honest Review Of What A Holiday Means To Me...

Alright peeps, so I've had a few people ask about how to stay fit on holiday, how to exercise, what to eat, what to avoid etc. 

I don't know about you guys but when I imagine a holiday for myself - exercise is not at the top of my priorities. And maybe as a fitness professional that will surprise you but for me a holiday is a time for me to relax my aching bones, let my muscles fully recover and give my brain a rest and not worry about burning off the thousands of calories gained at the breakfast buffet...

Don't get me wrong though, I fully admire those that can swap their rare chance of a lie in for a sweaty gym/HIIT sesh - on my last holiday to Portugal I opted for the odd 10-15 minute HIIT. And trust me I didn't do a minute longer because a) I work out all year round and wanted a rest and b) I wanted to do other things - such as eating, sleeping and lazing by the pool. Priorities :p 

And nutrition wise…well anyone who follows me on Instagram or Snapchat will know that 'when in Rome' (so to speak) I eat like a born n bred Roman - pizza, pasta, ice cream, tiramisu…or when in Portugal - meat, meat and more meat. 

I have to say though, weird as I may be - I crave eating healthily if I'm away for longer than 2-3 days. And after a few days of being in-active I also crave exercise because I looove feeling energised after a workout. 

I could give loads of tips for staying fit and healthy on holiday, most of them you've heard before:

Hotel room workouts

Pack a resistance band/skipping rope

Swim in the pool/sea

Run on the beach

Eat one ice cream a day instead of three

Opt for grilled over fried

Pack your own healthy snacks

Drink plenty of water

A lot of these things you already know, it's just implementing them and having the will power to put them into place. And if you have a goal and want to stay on track instead of using your holiday as an excuse to over indulge and feel guilty about your food choices then go you! I support your determination and applaud your efforts!

I, on the other hand will be cheering you on from the sidelines, alongside my jug of sangria and my lazy arse ;)


Getting Your Fit Life Started

Not everybody loves to exercise - for some people it is a real chore and they find it difficult finding a work out that they enjoy! There are also those of us who love to exercise but still have days where we would rather eat 1000 calories than burn 'em. 

We are all at different stages mentally when it comes to exercise and some days are better than others. 

The hardest part is getting started - especially if it's been a while! You're scared of the burn, of how others might judge you, if you're going to survive the whole work out or even get to half way! 

I still have these days and everybody does. 

Here are my top tips for getting started:

1. Join a Fitness Class - this way you don't even have to think - you just do, you can perform safely under supervision and you are surrounded by people in the same boat as you! 

Some of my favourite studios are Kobox off Kings Road, The Power Yoga Co. in Parsons Green, Heartcore (book in to my class on a Sunday 9am & 10am in Chelsea and 12 & 1pm in St Johns Wood) and for those who enjoy the outdoors get your butts to Swift Fitness (catch me in Battersea on a Monday at 7pm and Fulham on Weds & Thurs 7pm). 

2. Hello New Active wear! - Nothing motivates me more than new workout gear that makes me look good and feel good while sweating my arse off in less than flattering light. 

Check out Active in Style for a wide range of different brands and Lorna Jane for the best sports bras!

3. Set Goals - Why are you putting yourself through this? Is it for weight loss? Muscle gains? Or just to improve fitness levels and feel awesome again? 

Be specific and set yourself a realistic time frame - this way you're more likely to stay on track.

Get inspired by following these fitness bloggers: Zanna Van Dijk , Hazel Wallace and Steph Elswood  

4. Find a Fitness Buddy - make your workout more fun by training with a friend. You can help motivate each other and they can be there to pick you off the floor at the end! 

Plus a little friendly competition will make you work harder - but save the natter for your post workout lunch :p

If you really can't convince one of your friends to join you (their loss!) then use websites such as www.findafitnessbuddy.co.uk to find some one in your area. 

5. Clear the Crap - you can train hard as you like but if you find it difficult to resist temptation then you need to replace the foods holding you back - such as processed or foods high in refined sugars with wholesome, nutritious options. 

It's tough but it doesn't mean you can't have them, just in moderation! 

Using apps such as My Fitness Pal can be really helpful for staying on track and making sure you're fuelling correctly. 

Remember you are not alone! It's completely normal to have good days and bad and it's totally fine to skip a workout and have a cheat day every now and again. 

If you feel you need that extra little push getting going then drop me an email via the contact page or directly to chelseasiegelpt@outlook.com. 



Do It For Yourself, No One Else

Forget everyone around you and decide why are you doing it? What are you working towards? Who are you trying to please?

The answer to each question should be "YOU".

You are doing it for you, you are working towards a better you and the only person you should be trying to please is you!

We get so caught up watching the people around us when in actual fact whatever they are doing, whatever they are working towards - it is irrelevant.

And there is absolutely no need to give a crap about  what they think of you. We are each working towards something individual, be it weight loss, muscle gains, marathons, strength, lifestyle changes...

How you get there is up to you - the journey you take to reaching your goals is entirely down to your determination, perseverance and self belief. 

Just because your friends have fallen off the wagon doesn't mean you have to and equally just because one friend might have reached their goal in X amount of time doesn't matter either. It's your journey, it's your body, your mind and your life.

So quit worrying about if are still doing press ups on your knees or if occasionally you have one cheat meal too many. If YOU want it, you will get there.

Use the support systems around you but don't rely on them. Turn setbacks into experience, make notes of your successes and acknowledge when you know you could have tried harder.

Don't beat yourself up if you haven't reached your goals by the desired date. Without sounding too cliché (but I will) it's not the just end result that's important - it's how you got there. And if you can say hand on your heart that it was YOU that got you there, then there is no better feeling!

Remember that feeling, let it spur you on. Use the the negative and the positive to make you a stronger person. 


How to Snack Smart

I have to say I find it slightly frustrating when people ask for advice when it comes to snacking and then argue that dates and nuts are too high in calories. No one is advising you to eat a whole bag of dates but we are advising you to put down the family size galaxy bar!

Snacking has got a bad rep over the years as it is usually associated with weight gain. However, snacking 'smart' can actually help you lose those extra pounds. 

The difficulty is having the will power to turn down the snacks that are high in refined carbohydrates and low in nutritional value and instead opt for snacks that will keep those hunger pangs at bay. 

Why do we snack?

A lot of the time we snack out of boredom and this is how we end up exceeding our daily energy/calorie requirements. 

The reason you should be snacking is so you don't overeat at main meal times. If you fight the urge to snack when you are hungry then you will more than likely be starving when it comes to your main meal and consume more calories than if you'd had that mid-morning/afternoon snack. 

Sometimes we make poor snack choices because we feel tired and once your energy levels have dropped all you crave is sugar.

If you can get a smart snack in before tiredness kicks in you will feel physically and mentally more energised.  

I aim to get some form of protein, healthy fats and carbohydrate into each snack. 

Here are some of my favourite go to snacks:

Yoghurt with fruit and nuts

Wholewheat/rye bread with peanut butter (any nut butter!)

Raw snack bars - yes these can be high in calories but there are lots of great brands out there now that contain zero nasties and lower in calories

Protein shake made with almond/coconut milk with a handful of oats

Remember it is only a snack - so the calorie content should be less than in a main meal.

Time your snacks - aim for mid morning and mid afternoon and if you need an evening snack then keep it healthy. 

If you are struggling to stay on track or lacking the motivation to kickstart a healthy eating regime then feel free to drop me an email - chelseasiegelpt@outlook.com 







Quick Fix, Long Term Failure…

Who hasn't panicked a week before their holiday and gone on a diet to get quick results? From juicing to eating baby food, living off cabbage soup, the grapefruit diet, just eating raw food, the blood-type diet, the five-bite diet, the cookie diet - the list goes on and on!!

Most of these fad diets centre around the fact that they are low in calories. 

Will a low cal diet will make you lose weight? Yes. 

Is it a sensible weight loss solution? No.

Is it sustainable? No.

Could it have health implications? Yes. 

There are many long term side effects with these fad diets and they are not sustainable. You are also likely to suffer from these short term side effects:

1. Being Hangry - hungry and angry!

2. Increased Stress Levels - Increased levels of cortisol causes stress and possibly weight gain!

3. Bloating - Feeing bloated and gassy is not fun. Be considerate of those around you!

4. Fatigue - Lack of nutrients = lack of energy. Boring!

Besides, how many times have you starved yourself the week before to shed a few pounds, only to put it all back on after getting too excited at the breakfast buffet on the first day of your holiday? 

You will hear it time and time again and not because we are stuck on repeat but because it is the healthiest, the most sustainable and the best for long term results - balance. That vexatious word is not a quick fix solution and is unlikely to drop you a dress size in a day but is a reliable, healthy, sustainable way of losing waiting safely and successfully. 

No, it's not easy. Yes, it takes time to get it right. Yes, you will have bad days. No, you shouldn't feel guilty. 

A balance of carbs, fats, protein, vitamins, minerals and water combined with regular exercise is the recipe for success. Trust. 

Get into a routine that you can sustain all year round so that when you want to, you can indulge on that dinner out or that holiday guilt-free and stress-free! Remember - Life is for living!!!

As usual if you feel you need some help getting started or staying on track or have any queries I will do my best to assist :) 





HIIT it Right!

High Intensity Interval Training or "HIIT" is a great way of getting your cardio in. It can last between 4 minutes and 30 minutes and creates an after burn that can continue between 12 to 24 hours after finishing - meaning more calories burned! 


Are you HIITing it right? Here are some of the rules to make sure you are really getting the most out of it:

1. Mantra - "Give it all you've got!" Or go home. Half-arsed hiit sessions aren't hiit. 

2. Leg it - Choose exercises that use your legs to really get your heart rate soaring!

3. Start/Stop - Make sure you can accelerate and decelerate quickly. There's no messing around here :p 

4. Fuel Up - Pre Workout nutrition is just as important with hiit training. Go for fast digesting carbs and proteins. If you don't want to throw up in the middle of a power thruster then I suggest  eating 90 mins before. 

5. Less is More - If your hiit workout is more than 30 minutes it's unlikely you are doing it properly. Remember you have to give it your all! It's not called low intensity interval training...

5. Warm Up - Jumping straight into it full force is just going to cause an injury so make sure you've limbered up good 'n' proper before you start those burpees! 

How to know if you're HIITing it right...

1. You're exhausted after the first 3 minutes

2. You need help peeling yourself off the floor at the end

3. You need 'safety' signs so people don't slip on your puddle of sweat

HIIT Mistakes:

1. Hiit is great for losing fat and improving fitness but not for muscle growth. If your goal is to bulk up then stick to lifting big and eating bigger. 

2. Consider your current diet. Hiit workouts require energy and if you are on a low carb or just a low calorie diet you will not have the glucose in your system to help you work at your peak. 

3. Overtraining can be as negative as under training. Apart from possible injury, consider your other workouts and how much stress you are putting on your CNS.  

So, for only 4 minutes of the day you can remove the sentence "I don't have time to workout" from your list of excuses. 

IMPORTANT - Just because they are short and sweet doesn't mean you should do hiit workouts every single day. If you've done a hiit workout properly you should be a broken mess on the floor so you need to give yourself adequate recovery. 4 hiit sessions a week should be enough with a days rest in between to avoid over training and cause injury. 

Keep your eyes peeled for my next Workout Video featuring my favourite HIIT exercises!!


My Favourite Food Addictions

If you follow me on instagram or snap chat you will see a regularity with certain foods - some may call it obsession, maybe addiction…but what I do know is that as well as making my soul happy they are also packed with nutritional goodness. Boom!!

Number 1 on the list is a staple ingredient for brunch goers:


Full of nutrients, healthy fats and contain more potassium than a banana. They also help to absorb nutrients from plant foods.

They are also delicious.

Nut Butter 

Any nut I don't care. Whizzed up into a creamy texture I add it to porridge, spread it on toast, dollop it into smoothies and occasionally (frequently) eat it straight out the jar. 

High in protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Hand me the spoon. 


2 minutes to prepare so there's no excuse to skip breakie. I wake up extra early because for me starting the day with a good breakfast is more beneficial than a few extra minutes in bed. 

Sweet or savoury - add a handful of oats to stir fries or minced meat to thicken up dishes and get your carbs in. 

Stay fuller for longer, regulate blood sugar levels and bowel movements :0

Raw Cacao 

I don't have a lot of will power. If you put it in front of me, I will eat it. Without hesitation, without guilt (till later). Discovering this 'superfood' has meant I can snack and satisfy my sweet-tooth without feeling guilty. 

Mood booster, high in magnesium, an aphrodisiac… Nuff said :p

Sweet Potato

As wedges, in brownies, mashed or baked - I do not care. 

They can aid inflammation, digestion and are a great source of beta-carotene. 

I've only listed 5 however trust me when I say the list goes on…!!

What are your favourite food addictions? Tag me in your food posts and use the hashtag #favefoodaddiction 

Naughty or nice :)


222 Veggie Vegan : Review

Anyone who follows me on Instagram or Snapchat may have thought that I was overreacting when I posted food pics from my recent visit to 222 Veggie Vegan on North End Road. 

But what can I say, it was a revelation to discover just how delicious, filling and unpretentious vegan food can be - for an affordable price too! (London prices). And unlike the majority of 'healthy' food establishments you got a FULL plate - not pay a tenner for a handful of chickpeas and a drizzle of tahini but a full plate! For big appetites like myself this just made me oh so much happier ;)

After researching places to take my vegan brother, 222 popped up straight away as one of the best vegan restaurants in London and I admit when I saw the address I was a little hesitant to book. But just to prove how popular the place was I could only get a table for 5pm on a Saturday and there seemed to be a constant group at the door crossing their fingers and toes, hoping they would get a cancellations table. 

Visually, the restaurant is nothing special - however the mix of people you see filling up the small space goes to show that this place is all about the food. Quantity, yes but more importantly QUALITY. 

We started with a plate of Pitta Dips to share which came with a selection of creamy hummus, pimento and smashed avocado. 

For mains all three of us couldn't resist going for the 222 Burger - a tofu and veggie burger in a wholemeal roll served with leafy salad, oven-baked chips and homemade ketchup. And they were kind enough to swap the chips for sweet potato wedges for myself and Emanuel. 

222 Burger

Even though we were all stuffed we were all intrigued to try the exciting desserts - which includes vegan ice cream, tofu cheesecake, raw chocolate torte…(list of yumminess goes on). After a difficult few minutes deciding I went for the Spiced Island Pie - a raw dessert of almond and cashew cream, with cinnamon, ginger & nutmeg on a nut and coconut base. 

Spiced Island Pie

Catering for everyone, they have a Key system noting next to each dish whether it is vegan, gluten free, wheat free, wheat free option, raw and/or organic.

I have to mention how great the service was as well - I feel bad for not getting our waitresses name but she made the experience even better with her friendly and attentive manner. 

Wherever you are based, I would recommend making the effort to get your butts down here. Veggies, Vegans and Meat Lovers assemble - your eyes will be opened and your tastebuds will be forever thankful! 




A general rant...

We all have things that motivate and inspire us but making sure you are aspiring to be a better you is most important. 

I love Instagram and Snapchat for the amount of women I follow who have overcome amazing obstacles and who share valuable advice many of which I can relate to but majority of which I can’t. 

Yes I went to dance college and felt the pressures of being ‘skinny’ but however restricted my diets were in the past I’m happy to say I never had an eating disorder or felt depressed because I was living off egg whites and raw spinach. I also don’t have a desire to build my booty like some of the girls I follow although I find them very impressive!

My fitness goals are very simple - be fitter, stronger, happier and live longer. My nutrition goals are also very simple - I don’t measure or weigh food as I have an intelligent understanding of what my body needs and what I need to fuel it and also keep my soul happy. 

I love exercise but there are days when all I want is a yin yoga class and lie with my legs in the air for 10 minutes and there are days when all I want is to prop my feet on a pillow and my only exercise is the resistance of eating a whole packet of biscuits - some days I fail miserably. 

Balance is so important and although I’d love to tell you all I eat a completely clean diet and work out every day - that’s not the truth. And although Instagram can fool people into believing that the women they follow spend their life spinning from one studio to the next, taste testing juice bars 3 times a day and promoting activewear lines - they’re probably working reeeally hard on the side lines which we just don’t see. 

Big up the ladies and gents with goals that might not be the same as yours, encourage those who are documenting their progress on social media because it helps them stay on track. Celebrate peoples honesty when they have a cheat meal/day and send a virtual high five to the guys ‘n’ gals living on chicken and brown rice diets to get competition ready.

Find something to motivate you or someone to inspire you and see how you can use their achievements, set backs, goals, experiences to further your personal gains.

Don’t copy. Be the amazing, unique individual you are. 

Rant over.
