Do you have a personal mantra that you use on and off the mat?
"Show up and be there". Yoga is incredibly grounding - again, both mentally and physically. It helps me be more present in everything that I do, on and off the mat.
What is your advice for beginners?
First of all, you can't be "bad" at yoga. In the beginning, look around for visual cues and don't forget to breathe. Breathe, breathe, breathe.
A lot of first timers bring friends for support. It makes it more fun! Yoga doesn't have to be so serious.
Do you follow a specific diet/are you strict when if comes to your nutrition?
I find strict diets counter-productive. Food isn't the enemy. I eat my greens but I'm also French: I love bread and wine. As a general rule, I aim for balance.
What's the most important lesson you've learnt? (In yoga and life)
Spend your money on experiences, not things.
3 favourite moves for beginners...
Downward-facing dog: you can't escape it!
Plank: Core strength is key.
Savasana, or "the little nap at the end".
Where can we catch you?
I teach and practice at The Power Yoga Company and Union Station Yoga. During the week, when I'm not on the mat, you'll find me at Lululemon Europe head office, where I work as a localisation specialist. At the weekend, I'm often hanging out in Clapham Common or Brixton or boxing at Kobox (the yang to my yin).