Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone

It’s important to enjoy your fitness regime - you’re more likely to stick to it, it’s less of a mental struggle but it could also be less of a physical struggle. Stepping out of your comfort zone every once in a while can make a big difference towards reaching your goals or plateauing.

We like our comfort zone because it’s comfortable, less risk of failure and we probably perform pretty well in our comfort zone. But the real growth happens when we step away from that zone and into unknown territories.

It could just be out of habit or it could be out of fear of the unknown! If it is just habit, maybe you’re beginning to find your fitness regime boring and need to mix things up. Try new forms of training or learn some new exercises to slot in to your workouts. If you’re a runner, maybe you try popping in some sprint intervals for the extra challenge! Remember, it won’t be easy but it will get easier - and that’s when it’s time to “step out” again.

If fear is holding you back, try imagining yourself in your comfort zone and see how you perform and how close you are to reaching your goals. Then imagine yourself stepping out of that comfort zone and see if you’re any closer to achieving those goals. Even if the goal still seems far away, the destination there will be a new goal achieved in itself.