At Bodhi Fit, we are here to help guide you through appropriate and safe yoga poses through all stages of pregnancy, labour and birth! Here are some of our favourite yoga poses to help during labour:
Childs Pose - rest chest on pillows or birthing ball and extend arms over head. Separate knees wider than hips and sit back on the heels to open pelvis and create space for baby to descend.
Supported Squat - sit on a deflated birthing ball or low stool with feet wide and knees turned out to allow the pelvis to open and encourage dilation.
Rocking Cat - with hands under shoulders and knees wider than hips, exhale and lean sit bones back towards heels and gently round the spine to ease back pain. Inhale to return to start.
Hip circles - either standing or sitting on a birthing ball, separate feet wider than hips and bring hands onto hips or thighs. Circle the hips 3x in one direction and then change direction.
Puppy Pose Variation - place hands against the wall and walk feet back, lowering your chest towards the floor. This is a lovely position to focus on your breath and sway side to side.
Hope you find these helpful! For more info about private lessons during pregnancy and postpartum then get in touch today: