A day in the diet of Chelsea...

As a freelance trainer I am on the go for most of the day so meal prepping is really important to feed my body the right and enough nutrients, stay fuelled and not spend too much money. As I was asked by a couple of people I've agreed to share a snippet of what my daily diet looks like. Bearing in mind that even the 'professionals' don't always get it right and some of us have sweet tooth's too ;)


7am - On Thursdays I always teach power plates classes between 7.30 till 9.30am so I'll prepare a smoothie the night before or quickly in the morning to have on my way to work. Todays was made with 1 banana, 3 tablespoons soya yoghurt, 1 heaped tablespoon Pulsin pea protein, squeeze of honey and a big glug of almond milk.

10am - Feels like lunch time for me so I had a tub of brown rice, grilled chicken, mushrooms, courgette with a sprinkling of bouillon which I'd made on Monday. And a soya latte. Weird? Maybe. Tasty? Yes :)

2pm - I work solidly till 2pm so in that time drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. 

3pm - Usually I would rush home to prepare a 'second' lunch and train in the afternoon as this is when I have some free time. However, today I had a fitness shoot so kept my energy levels up with a Pulsin Mint Choc Chip bar and a cup of jasmine green tea - I try not to eat shop bought snack bars but always keep one in my bag just in case I need a quick refuel. 

6pm - Quick slice of wholewheat bread with peanut butter to keep me going as I teach a bootcamp and won't be home till after 8pm. 

8.30pm - For dinner I made a Deliciously Ella inspired cannellini bean stew served with quinoa - delicious, nutritious and took 15 mins!

9pm - Even though it's been a long day I need to rewind before bed so will usually have a magnum while I watch The Affair or if I'm going for a healthier option I'll make a jar of 'Molsh' - a yummy concoction of chopped dates, nuts, desiccated coconut, peanut butter and coconut oil all molshed together. Today was a magnum day :p

Ultimately though, it doesn't really matter what I eat, where I eat or what times  I eat etc because it only really matters what you eat. Also, I can not tell you what to eat, I can only advise and it depends on what stage of change you are at as to whether or not you take my advise on board.

Whatever your goal, the key to success is being organised - always having a stocked fridge and cupboard full of basics so even under pressure you are able to throw together a healthy meal or snack. 

For all nutrition advise feel free to get in touch via the contact page or email directly to chelseasiegelpt@outlook.com 


Happy Monday :)


Maybe this day is not

One of your favourites, but

Never forget that every

Day you wake up is an

Amazing gift and it's up to

You to make it count


Your job may suck, you may hate waking up early, your commute may be stressful and you may spend the whole day wondering why Monday's even exist as they seem to bring no meaning and no satisfaction to your life. 

Monday's are and most likely always will be the majority of the populations least favourite day of the week but it doesn't have to be yours! If you think about how many Mondays you are going to have in your life time that is an awful lot of days spent being unhappy and unmotivated - and now there is a new day of the week 'Smonday'. This begins on a Sunday and grows as Monday approaches due to the anxiety you feel of starting a new working week. 

Let's face it, Monday's are never going to change - but you can!

Forget the papers piled up on your desk, the chores at home that still need to be done, the grocery shopping and meal prepping etc Monday's are full of possibilities! They bring new energy and new positivity to the week ahead, they are the perfect day for starting afresh after an indulgent weekend, the perfect day for beginning new goals and starting new healthy habits. 

Of course you can spend the day wishing it was already Friday, hating the people around you who seem to be happy and wondering what they did to deserve a positive attitude on a Monday but in reality it only takes a quick decision on your part to decide whether you're going to make your Monday a day of misery and self-hate or a day of optimism and new discoveries. 

Change your Monday morning mantra from 'ssshhhhiiii*****'

to this...

'Nothing is holding me back, I know what I want and I'm going to get it' :)


Happy Monday Everyone!!! xxx


3 Top Tips to stay in 'Tip Top' shape this Winter!

Winter is here and with it getting colder and darker outside it can become difficult to keep up our usual fitness regimes. Still, there is no excuse to turn into a seasonal sloth and hibernate under a warm blanket till Spring - keep the winter blues at bay by using my three top tips to keep you in tip top shape… 

1. Stay motivated - easier said than done? Remind yourself of your goal or set yourself a new one for the festive period. This can be as simple as looking good for a xmas party or getting fit for a skiing holiday or working on that bikini bod for those lucky enough to get somewhere warm. Remind yourself how far you've come - you don't want to start right back at the beginning come January!

2. FitFam - what began as a hashtag now means so much more - find a friend who is reliable and who'll drag you out of bed the morning after a xmas party, push you through the wind and rain and who'll enjoy a bowl of well-earned chocolate proats afterwards :p You''ll be much more likely to stick to a fitness regime as you won't want to let them down.

3. Preparation - lay out your workout clothes the night before, buy yourself some thermals and pre-book classes so you're less likely to cancel. Make things easier for yourself by organising in advance and deciding when you can fit your workouts into your schedule so you don't have to miss out on any festivities. 

And most importantly be positive! It's a lifetime achievement if you can keep pushing yourself and challenging your body and mind. So don't let the chilly temperatures hold you back - remember where you started and keep working on where you want to be!

Buckwheat Soda Bread Recipe

This was my first attempt at making my own bread and a very successful one! It's a recipe a few people have asked me for so I thought I'd just share it on here for everyones enjoyment :)


600g buckwheat flour

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 2/3 tbspoon baking powder

2 teaspoons xanthan gum

1 teaspoon vinegar

3 tbspoon oil (I used rapeseed)

500ml milk (I used unsweetened almond)

2 tbspoons any gluten free flour - I used spelt flour as I'm not gluten intolerant

Method: Pre-heat over 180 degrees (fan) 

1. Mix together flour, salt, baking powder and xanthan gum

2. Stir vinegar and oil into the milk

3. Add milk mix to the flour and knead

4. Dust a baking tray or loaf tin with flour and scatter some over the dough

5. Roll dough into a 25cm/10" cylinder and place on tray/tin

6. Bake in pre-heated oven for 75/85 mins

7. Remove from over and cool on wire rack - cover in a clean kitchen towel to keep the crust soft

This recipe can be suitable for coeliacs if using gluten free flour as there is no wheat or yeast. Don't let the name 'buckwheat' confuse you as it is not actually from the same family as wheat and not considered a grain or a cereal. 

Have fun baking and eating! xxx  

Find what works for you and DON'T stick to it!!!

We are all familiar with the saying 'find what works for you' but I don't agree with that way of thinking… My belief and experience has taught me that to perfect a lean, strong body and mind then variation is the secret. 

And isn't it exciting trying new things? When there is so much out there and so much available these days why would you choose to stick to the same routine week in and week out?! We have power yoga, TRX classes, bootcamps in the park, power plates, HIIT and reformer pilates and lucky for those of us in London they are never too far away. 

Fitness can be so much fun and if you are someone who doesn't enjoy the thought of exercise or has the idea that gym = slogging it out on the treadmill then think again! Even for you gym bunnies out there - throwing things into the mix will keep your workouts fresh and your body switched on. Also research has shown that you're more likely to stick to a varied exercise programme than those who stick to the same programme.

Of course we all have our preferences and some may prefer a more predictable. consistent routine however allow me to share a few reasons why it's beneficial to physically and mentally challenge yourself...

1. The word that makes fitness fans quake in their nikes 'Plateau' - once your body has adapted to the exercise you will burn fewer calories and by switching things up your body will have to work harder to adapt.

2. 'Injuries' - prevent getting injuries caused by overuse and give your muscles and joints time to recover by doing something else that doesn't strain the same area repeatedly. 

3. 'Boredom' - if you are constantly checking the clock or hitting the snooze button once too often then it's time to spice things up! Find a training partner or train outside, find ideas through social media - I get so much inspiration from Instagram :)

4. 'Motivation' - you may enjoy working out alone but by training with a partner, personal trainer or in a class you'll' be more likely to commit and feel more motivated to go the extra rep!

So of course, find things that work for you but don't stick to it - try new things and I guarantee you'll reap the benefits and your body and mind will be eternally thankful xxx



Come say Hi :)

So finally I am introducing a new blog for my website. Recently I've been writing blogs for other companies and have reignited an old passion for writing - and expressing my opinions! Of which I have many ;)

I get asked so many questions about nutrition and fitness on a daily basis and I would love to start sharing my research and findings with you. And I would love to hear from you too - topics you'd like to discuss, questions you want answered about 'myths' or fitness and nutrition trends, recipe ideas, where to eat out, which classes to get to and where to shop for the best activewear!

So don't be shy, come say hi and let's start getting down to the nitty gritty of all things fitness and nutrition related - or unrelated! 

Peace out xxx